Monday, September 24, 2007

European Debut in the Netherlands

The Netherlands' annual B-Movie, Underground & Trash Film Festival has invited Hero Tomorrow to screen as part of their seventh edition. HT is one of about twenty features to be in this year's showcase of some of the most utterly insane, sick, & sleazy films from around the globe. If you don't believe me just click on some of the trailer pages - IF YOU DARE..!

Hero Tomorrow is playing on Saturday the 29th of September, 10PM, in the large auditorium followed immediately by performances from Diktat - Doctor Bibber - Doodle in a Cocoon. The
complete schedule is also downloaded on the film’s website.

Even though we won’t be able to attend the festivities it is a great feeling to be extending the Apama Nation beyond North America for the first time. We took great care to create HT with what we consider to be a sort of foreign film sensibility.

From the BUTFF website:
"Again Breda will be infested with bizarre, strange, experimental or other kinds of remarkable cinema thanks to the B-Movie Underground & Trash Film Festival. The festival will take place in Electron, a former industrial building. This year the program will be enhanced by performances, music and art in appropriate BUTFF style. An exhibition on Outsiders art can be visited, with work from the French collective 'Le Dernier Cri' and several Dutch artists, including Jeroen de Leijer, Jan van Nuenen and Barend van Hoek."

Peace, love and nasty films for all.

Ted Sikora
(This festival… are we in the ‘underground’ category? hmmm…)

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Fanboy Theatre Review

We just got a great review from Will at Fanboy Theatre. The full review is at Fanboy Theatre Website, and I've posted the second half which is pretty much spoiler free.

"...At the center of every great superhero style story, in this Fanboy's humblest of opinions, is a main character with heart and determination, "Hero Tomorrow" is a perfect example of this type of story and scores a direct hit using the formula. Not to say that this is your average superhero type film, "Hero Tomorrow" has a unique charm all it's own including some funny and emotional moments which could almost categorize the film as a Comedy/Drama of sorts. The icing on the cake is the fantastic performances from the main cast. Perren Hedderson, who stars as David/Apama in the film, is not your typical leading man, with his long dreadlocks and unique fashion sense Hedderson eliminates the geeky alter ego stereotype making way for a new breed of men behind the mask. Hedderson is fantastic in this film, and a perfect fit for the role of a peculiar superhero daydreamer. Jocelyn Wrzosek, who plays David's main squeeze Robyn in the film also shines as the icy comic shop girl struggling with mental illness, yet strong enough to persue Her own career goals while, at the same time, pushing David in what she feels is the right direction in life. Other notable performance honors in the film go to Bryan Jalovec, who plays Greg in the movie, Jalovec is perfect as the "big jerk" personality in the film, you'd think He was born to play the role. His performance brought the character of Biff from "Back To the Future" to mind. And rounding out the job well doner's is Ray McNiece as Larry, the stoner comic shop owner. So whether or not your'e in the mood for a good indie, comic book, romance, or comedy film, Hero Tomorrow has got you covered. One of the best original films I've had the pleasure to review in quite some time, and a definite must see."