Friday, August 11, 2006

Internet Movie Database

Myley Blog

If you're looking for a good read check out the blog from Myley. They've had some great success with their 'el pajaro' line of women's clothes, and it's fun to get their take on happenings in the world of fashion. Check 'em out here.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Mania TV - Online!

Perren, Jocelyn, Milo and I were interviewed by CJ Christy at the Con for ManiaTV. The segment aired on their live channel on Monday August 7th during the "The Daily Independent."

In case you missed it, Chad at Mania TV was kind enough to upload it for us, and you can watch it right here on the Hero Tomorrow Channel.

You'll need to have at least Windows Media Player 9 installed on your computer to view the spot.